I am now afraid of Life. It is very difficult to imagine it. I understand that there is an option to not imagine about the future and live in present, but the present seems screwed too.

The main problem with life is Order. Order is very frightful. When I think about order, it runs a chill through my spine. How can anyone be in order?

Nature demands anarchy. And we on the other hand, want to remain changeless. Centuries of this malpractice has now ensured that everyone has this problem.

For us, the clothes get smaller, for us, Kanpur arrives, for us, there is soul. Problem of people is that they are not ready to accept change in themselves. They cannot accept that they have bodily progressed, rather the clothes have gone smaller. Okay, I agree that motion is relative, but still we know that we are going to Kanpur. Still they cannot accept that they will move, so Kanpur arrives to them.

Similarly, people are not able to accept Death, and that's why they find the concept of Soul. They want to treat death just as an event, connecting this body to another. Why can't they simply agree that we are finished when we die.

Everyone wants to put things in Order. Always, Everytime.

I don't understand what their problem is. We are always taught that nature demands entropy, still are not able to apply it.

Approving this hypocrisy has now led us towards our Doom. Now, everyone has a well defined path, and no entropy is allowed. People have completely forgotten that it all started with Chaos. Without chaos, there is no development. We need to understand the need.

People are not able to give their best, because they are not always able to follow the well defined path of order, by their natural instinct, they too desire anarchy.

What do we see when we try to imagine 10 years ahead?

We see order. We have been dreadfully trained to see it. But is that what we really are? No. I don't think so.

You, as a human have all the right to break the Order and follow anarchy. Anarchy gives peace to the mind, because when you follow it, there is no scale to judge them. It is what it is. Whatever you do, is whatever you wanted to do. Isn't this the ultimate goal of life? To be at peace?

And peace can only come by anarchy. So, stop trying to control things, and everyday, accept things as they are. Because by default, things are set to be at chaos. Don't waste your time energy and happiness to bring things to order.


-Bidhan Arya
