I am so impressed by the concept of fear that I would like to devote an entire topic over it.

Fear was and is always seen as an negative substance in our body. We are always taught that we should grow into a fearless person if we wish to be successful. We have been told that fear is something which stops us from reaching our full potential. We have been told that people who are not afraid of anything are the superior ones. But should we agree to this concept?

It has been many years that we have lived with this conception. Its time we review the feelings inside us and assign them the place that they deserve. It is time that we start seeing positivity in something as negative as fear.

To start with, let us go the very beginning. Our society has evolved to great extents and fear has played a very important role. When civilization started, people had very less needs and hence did not require complexity. But things changed. Maybe for good. The first thing that scared the hell out of people was forest fire. As we all know that earlier there was a great amount of forest and people lived in between the woods. So, when they first saw forest fire, they got a conception that someone was there to control all these phenomena. And this, my friend, was the beginning of God. We will discuss about this later, but we saw that fear can create something as great and massive as God. This makes us go into deeper level of thought on fear. Fear is thus a very powerful agent.

Let us first talk about negative aspects of fear. Fear stops us from trying something new. Fear stops us from doing something dangerous. Fear stops us from changing our lives. seeing all these points, we feel that we should avoid fear without a second thought. But wait. All of this is not what fear does. We are taught that the antonym of fear is brave. But thats not the truth. There is only a slight difference between brave and foolish. A movie named 'Singham' had a very interesting dialouge," To think of walking on fire is brave, but to actually walk on it is foolish." It is the reason which makes the difference. For example, if walking on fire saves someones life, then it is brave, but to walk on fire to impress a girl is foolishness. And it is fear which stops us from being foolish. So, one of the greatest positive points on fear is that it stops us from doing things without reason. It stops us from torturing ourselves without a valid reason.

I understand that it is still not clear why is fear important. Okay, let us visualise a situation. A normal person can run to about 30kmph without practice. But when that same person is being chased by a dog, his/her speed goes up to 40kmph. A normal person can jump 5-6ft unaided, but when that person is about to crash with a vehicle, he/she jumps 8ft. So, we see what fear gives us. Fear can give us an extra 10kmph, fear can give us extra 2 ft. So, by now you would have changed your thought about fear. But its not that simple. Nothing in life is ever simple. Fear is like a nuclear bomb. If you can control it and harness its power, then it gives you too much, but if it goes wrong, there will nothing be left in your life to celebrate.

What are we really afraid of? The answer to this question is as simple as it is complex. We are only afraid of one thing and that is "Myself", and the ironic situation is that, we can control "Myself". This makes us control fear. Everyone has different types of fears. And I am excluding Phobias here. A student is afraid to fail. A farmer is afraid of not being able to grow enough of crops. A Judge is afraid of not being able to give justice. A theif is afraid of being caught, etc. Even though these people have very different field of work, one thing is completely common in all 0f them. They are all afraid of something which is in their control. A student can work hard and smart to ensure that he/she never fails. A farmer can work hard in the fields so as to ensure a good crop. A judge can give a lot of thought on the case so as to ensure true justice. A theif can do serious and flawless planning so as to not get caught. So, what is it that we are afraid of? We are afraid of not being able to satisfy ourselves with our decisions.

So, the the next question is that how to harness the power of fear? When we use fear as an instrument of our help, one thing should be taken care of. Never let fear take over your inner self. If you do, you will cease to exist and you won't be ever happy. What does this mean? Let us consider an example. Why does a ship ever sink into water? Yes according to science, when water enters the ship, the average density of the ship increases and this results in the sinking of ship. What is to be observed is that "A ship never sinks due to water around it, it sinks due to water inside it." Moreover, the ship uses the external water to move. Life works in a similar way. When you are surrounded by fears and you can keep yourself free from it, you will find that you can actually cross the ocean with ease. But never allow even a drop of fear to enter your body. We can walk on a very rough road with ease if we have a good pair of boots, but we cannot walk even the smoothest road if there is even one pebble inside the boot.

What is the true purpose of fear? It makes you think before doing. It then lets you take the correct decision. Everytime brave is not correct. If you can't fight something, make sure that you can outrun it. Be afraid of it and examine what you have to lose in order to defeat that thing. In this way, you make the right decision. For example, If a student buys a new mobile phone, he/she does it to get knowledge. But there is a risk of wasting time on it. So is that person ready to lose time in exchange for knowledge? Fear allows you to understand the scenario. With the right amount of fear, even Batman can defeat Superman. What if Batman was not afraid of Superman? What would have happened if he got into direct fight with Superman? Its obvious that he would lose. But he was afraid. He knew that it could cost him his life. He was ready to sacrifice. So, instead of going hand to hand on Superman, he planned and defeated him. On the other hand, Superman was not afraid of Batman. This resulted in his defeat. So, this proves that brave is not always correct.

So, I ask everyone who is reading this. Whenever you are ready to fight something, first make sure what you need to sacrifice in order to win. And fear will help you. Whenever you think that not being afraid makes you storng, Give it a second thought. Fear, in right amounts, is the best thing that can make you win. With fear, Batman can defeat Superman and Arrow can defeat Flash. I hope that this article would have helped you in seeing things differently.

-Bidhan Arya
