GOD. This one word is enough to render confusion in one's mind and heart. What is God? How did this concept start? Is everything that we have ever heard, completely wrong?

This is a theory. And if a theory solves many myths and mysteries, it may well have some truth.

To be precise, this writing focuses on concept of Hindu Gods. It's because, many think that this is the oldest civilization, that is still alive.

So, to begin with, let’s start with a simple yet important question. If humans become advanced enough to go to any planet they want, what is the first thing that they would do?

And the answer is simple, they will try to look for possibility of life on those planets. And even with today's technology, when humans reached Moon, they experimented the growth of plants. Even they are trying to grow plants on the Martian surface. Now, let's suppose we become much more advanced than that. We try to test the environment compatibility with humans. In other words, we plant humans.

With this argument, let us suppose that God is nothing, but a civilization which is far more advanced than ours. They planted us on Earth. Does it seems convincing? Probably not. Because, this statement raises some new questions.

Why did they leave then? Why don't they contact us now? Were our myths true? How were they so powerful, as depicted in our books?

So, we try to take on each question.

Why did they leave?--

They probably just nurtured us till we needed it, and then left us to grow on our own. For example, if we grow a plant on Moon, we would just nurture it for some time, after which, we leave it to see how it takes on the growth all by itself.

Why don't they contact us now?--

They are probably waiting for us to become advanced enough to make a secure connection. And most probably, they have put us Incognito. Probably this is the reason that we could not find any aliens. Who knows, when we do create a connection, we would get to know about a grand cosmic inter-connection.

Were our myths true?--

Most probably, most of our myths are true, because, if entire country has a same story, it probably had a very solid beginning. We discuss some myths after next question.

How were they so powerful?--

Now this question requires a detailed theory. As quoted by Nikola Tesla-" If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Our entire modern science revolves around materialistic approach to problems. We are not able to manipulate energy, the way we can. Let's take on our myths. To understand this, we have to first understand the concept of Resonance. Let me explain with an example, when we tune our radio, we rotate the tuner till we get a clear voice of the radio station that we want to listen. At that state, the radio is said to be in resonance with the station. In this state, both the transmitter and the receiver vibrate at same frequency. When we speak, our body vibrates with a particular frequency. If this frequency is controlled, we can be in resonance with almost anything. What happens when in resonance?

Take an example of Barton's pendulum. When two strings have same length, the strings come in resonance and energy transfer takes place. What if, someone learns to control their frequency, and come in resonance with the Sun? Then that person can tap into the Sun's energy and then he has an unlimited source of energy. When the "Maharishis" went on to meditate (Tapasya), they practiced to control their vibrations to match with the vibrations of nature. This required immense focus and time, that is why Tapasya is said to be difficult.

What could they do with this energy? We know about the phenomena of K-Capture, where the nucleus takes electron from K shell and changes the no. of proton, leading to the change of the element. What if there was a process, so that, given right amount of energy, any element could be transformed to any other element? We could change the Nitrogen in air to Iron, or Gold. So, the energy that they tapped in from the Sun, was used in transforming the elements, leading to the generation of objects out of thin air. As we have been told, Ravana had Pushpak-Vimana, which he could make out of thin air, or when during battles, the warriors enchanted their arrows to do some different functions. In simpler words,- Mantras were programming languages, used to manipulate nature, to work accordingly. When used with practice, these Mantras can help a person do, what we say, miracles.


From this discussion, we conclude that, God were aliens that lived amongst us, to teach us their ways. They left us, so that we could one day, become capable to find them. But, we disgraced the teachings, and took on wrong paths. Everything that we have heard, might be true. Because sometimes, it feels very weird to think that everyone is wrong just because we cannot prove some points. Do we need to worship God? Not necessarily. We should move on the paths shown to us by God. We are being tested, and we can only qualify this test, when we start seeing humanity as a whole. Only together, can we create the path leading to God. We are blessed to be born in India, where we have the source of all knowledge. So, never discard any myths thoughtlessly, for they might hold the key to our salvation.

-Bidhan Arya
