Hello readers. This piece of writing will deal with the problem of love. And I focus primarily on the love as defined in our society.

Since ancient times, people have tried to find the true meaning of love. And throughout the timeline, its definition changed drastically. Today, it has become a very confused topic. Youngsters are greatly trapped in the wrong notion of Love. So, let us discuss this topic in detail.

We know that, according to science, love is signalled by the release of some hormones. And this is where the confusion starts. It is because of the fact that those hormones are also released while at affection. So, what is the true way of knowing? In ancient times, there was a ritual that, the male would steal a female, who he wanted to marry. If we look closely, we are still at the same things, only our means have changed. Now, people try to steal the girls through more materialistic approaches. And this remains a secret, because there is no stage to mark the success of the process, unlike before, where the girl could be yours, if you could steal her successfully.

As we observe, these days people are more confused than before, and the simple reason is that they now get female proximity much earlier than before. Earlier, females were not even allowed to study, and men could only get female presence, once they returned from their studies. But soon after that, they would get married, and this led to the scenario that love could not prevail much. When girls started studying and working with men, then they got the chance to know girls more, and only then the question of love arrived.

But, since now that we are here, we have to deal with this.

We see that kids these days feel that they are in love that is going to last for eternity. How does this work? Since, we are also animals, it all starts with animal needs and wants. Like all other animals, humans are also attracted to the opposite sex physically. Dogs are allowed more than one mate in their lifetime, but not humans, because of our conscience. So, this leads us to think greater into this topic, because of our difference from animals.

We as humans, are taught from beginning that we have to live the life with one partner. It is due to this reason, that every person we think we are in love seems to stay eternally. If only, it was general to choose more than one mate in the lifetime, the concept of eternal love would diminise. So, if physical attraction is not love, what is Love?

We have three major competitors to the concept of love. They are, habit, dependency and superiority. We discuss these topics in detail:

1. HABIT--

Humans are rarely compatible with other humans. They don't really go into sync with others. But, they don't always get to choose. Now, with choice or without choice, when they live long enough with someone, they adapt to each other. Maybe not on all parameters, but on most of them. This is the state, where they are habitated to be with someone. Now, to change the person, it would be more difficult than earlier, because they already have adapted to someone else. People don't want to enter this painstaking process, just to spare pain upon themselves, and confuse habit with love. We can observe that people even tend to forgive grave mistakes of the people who they are habitaed with. So, at least habit cannot be considered love.


Since the time we are born, we are dependent on others, namely, our parents. As we go on in life, we come across several more people who add light to our lives, and slowly, without us even realising, we become dependent on them to brighten up our lives. And we feel that our life will be completely dark without them. This gives us a feeling that we cannot live without them. The longer we live with those people, the more we become dependent on them, and this results in the degradation of our personality, and eventually, we give them so much importance, that they have become a life support system of our character. And the thought of them leaving feels like taking off our limbs. So, someone, who started as a means of happiness, now becomes someone who controls our life. And in this way we confuse dependency with love. So, we can at least understand that now. We also know now, that one aspect of love is not being dependent on one another so as to lose one's personality.


This is the point that we need to understand foremost. It is this that differentiates between love and affection. When we try to understand how our children function, we get the answer to this question. Let us consider that. Nowadays, children generally seek only one thing and that is attention. And it is this which later turns into desire. What actually happens is that, children only desire, what they see with others. This is how our society works. A kid wants to get a football because he saw someone else possessing a football. Another kid desires a barbie because she saw it with her friend. People have a tendency to always become equal to others who are superior to them, and when they become equals, then they try to be superior. Boys want to buy a good bike, one that none of his friend possess. And a girl wants to wear the best dress to the party. And if we look closely, all of us are already drowned in this system. We become so much used to this process, that it gets engraved in our systems, and by the time we are 16, everything we see, and want to have is only because of the fact that we want to be superior to others in our proximity. I don't accuse you of materialising others. This process is completely involuntary and we are only trapped in the system. This way, we confuse superiority with love.

Now, you may be wondering that I am just neglecting all the aspects, but we want to know, what really is love? And when can we know that we are in one. Let us discuss that.

As you know, I consider soul to be the wave on the string of our life, I feel that two souls are in love, when they are in phase with each other. That would sound confusing. What I am trying to say is that, two people can only love each other, if there is an energy flow between them. You can only fall in love with the person, who completes you. The thing is that, I am not considering you to be incomplete, you are complete without each other, but when two people complete each other, it means that they believe the other can rectify them. One thing that I feel the test of true love to be is that, when two people love each other, they can live happily without each other and they are not even sad that the other is with someone else, its just that their happiness gives you peace, because the other person is just your part. When you feel that you two are not different, then you can comfortably say that you are not in love.

I give an example. Consider your first cycle. You would most probably not ride it anymore, but when you see that cycle being ridden by someone else, and when you see the happiness of the person riding your cycle, the happiness that you get, is called love. You just understand that no matter whoever rides that cycle, that cycle will always be yours. Similarly, you probably left your school years back, and when you see there, you see new students siting on the desk on which you used to sit. Even though today someone else sits on that desk, you know that it is your desk, and no one can take that away from you. That is love.

Similarly, if you have a connection with some other person, it wouldn't matter whether he/she is with someone else, it wouldn't bother you. But, when you see that person, the happiness that you feel is called love.

To find true love is difficult, but believe me, when you find your missing piece, you will become complete, and the peace that you feel will then be called LOVE.

-Bidhan Arya
