Hallucniating Effects of Bhaang My name is Bidhan Arya. I had Bhaang a day ago nearly 17 hours ago.

This piece of writing comprises of the effects that I felt and I am currently feeling right now.

So, to start with, the taste of bhaang is not that good. It feels like eating (chewing) a lot of crushed leaves together. So first after eating, you have to eat or drink something to change the taste, lest you may suffer from vomit, because of the tatse.

The effects start to show up nearly half an hour after the consumption. First thought is to simply sleep and go into dreaming. But I went further into discovering the effect. When you have successfully averted the effects for another half hour, you can have two types of effects depending on the concentration of the bhaang that you have had.

If you had dilute bhaang:

You will feel like in a 3D movie hall and you have got power to control the movie that you are watching. This is the concentration that people enjoy. It is not productive at all and people get used to it. People whose real life is not beautiful tend to have bhaang in this conc. It ables them to enjoy the world from outside. The main productiveness of bhaang is shown when you have bhaang in concentrated amounts.

If you had concentrated bhaang:

You will get out of your physical body and enter an astral form. Your blood pressure will rise and also the body temperature increases. This is the step where you get useful hallucinations. At this amount of bhaang, your brain gets towards unification with the supreme matter. You may think that it is easy to sleep after having bhaang, but that's true only with dilute amount of bhaang. When you have concentrated amount, it's very difficult to go to sleep. Rather, you enter a dimnsion where you can listen everything that people speak, and also you can answer them correctly, but, at that state none of these talks matter at all. You are is a black surrounding and you can see many of yourself. Suddenly, you get sucked up from that lace and you can see the things converging into themselves. At an final state, everything is gone and what's left is only a small ring, sparkling in the darkness that you are surrounded with. You are just floating in space without gravity. You get to feel that there are more than 4 dimensions. There are too many dimesions along this.

You get to see all the lights. There are also some flashes of white light in between. You feel like you are going to be stuck in that moment, in that etarnal dimension forever. You get to remember all the important event that are happening around you. You go out of this state momentarily, but your mind is still in that state.

When you go beyond the 5th dimension, its all very dangerous and devastating. At this state you are likely to suffer traumatic stress. You want to go out of that stage, but can't. At this stage, your body will tighten your muscles to relieve you from stress, which results in concussion.

Vomit due to this:

One of the important aspects of having any drug is vomiting after it. People fell that is only due to that drug (bhaang in this case) which make to vomit. But thats not the complete truth. Vomit is caused by post eating conditions. Everything that happens in the real world effects the mind, which is already above 5th dimension. For example, when the sun comes to your eyes, it feels like you are burning, your mind feel like it is completely out of its control. You have to fight the fear. Finally, when you get to the ecasatcy of fear, it's finally the time to vomit.

Before you vomit, you will come to know. It depends on your mental strength if you can connect two states of your mind and body and leave the message in the real world about it. So, when you are vomiting, your mind will undergo serious fluctuations between the two worlds. It further depends on your strength whether you can control your body and speech.

While you are vomiting, you will feel like taking out fire fro your body. Its not painful, its relieving. Vomit signifies that there is too much energy inside a human being, which, he is not able to control.

After you have vomitted, you feel weak, your mind feels weak, since it has already been fighting the seizure. But you are now ready to undergo the levels.

Does everyone has same experience:

No. I don't think that everyone has the same experience. Bhaang takes your mind towards end of your thoughts. It concentrates all your thoughts, whatever you are thinking. It concentrates all your actions, whatever you are doing. That is why people tend to repeat the work, which they are doing, again and again.

So it takes you to the end point of your thoughts. Luckily, at that time I was more of interested in the mysteries of universe.

I feel that like every Ayurvedic medicine, bhaang has a very important aspect. According to Indian Mythology, Mahadev is told to be always in the state of bhaang. I feel that bhaang allows a person to see the mysteries behind anything that they want to see.

I see it as a substance to open the gateway between the real world and the astral one.

Human mind is a very strong and mysterious object. I feel that all that we want to know and everything that we want to become, is all inside us. Bhaang allows to connect the conscious mind with the subconscious mind. We know that all that scientists are not been able to extract from the mind, resides in the sub-conscious part. This substance allows us to extract informaion from there.

After effects of bhaang:

It has been 19 hours since bhaang entered my body and 18 and half hours since the effects started.

I slept for nearly 8 hours at night and after waking up, everything was clear, as if I had entered the true world of sensible people. In our good old, 4 dimensions. After waking up for about 45 minutes, evrything started to blur. This has led me to experience something else. fpr now, I still reside in the 4 dimensional world. But I see the world by the perspective of 3rd person.

I got to experience massive concentration. With bhaang, you can go thinking about anything and nothing can disturb you, because above 4 dimensions, everything that you experience, everything that you feel and everything that you live is completely nuisance for the real world.

You go into a state in which there is no one to distort your thoughts.

What can be done to gain greater control over oneself while in hallucination:

I want to be clear on one matter that nothing really helps to break the spell, but somethings can help you see better.

1. If you have specs, you can use them. If you put on your specs, the world feels like a 3D movie. But if you remove them, the world appers more like a computer game, which you can control. But this does not last for more than 5 seconds. So the best way is to put your specs on for 5 seconds and then remove them for another 5 seconds. This will help you to realise that this isn't a dream and yo feel better.

2. As I have already told, bhaang starts patterns in people. So if you go with the flow, that is, if you start doing something in a pattern, then the bhaang will feel light. In other words, if you stop fighting bhaang, you will feel better. But then you will lose all the memories of that period because in that case everything feels just like a dream.

3. And also the old traditional ways help, like eating sour (acids) like lemon, bathing with cold water and having less of sugar.


I finally come to some conclusions, which are as follows:

1. If you want to experiment with bhaang, you better take concentrated amount. Dilute amounts are just for fun. To experiment, you need to go inside yourself.

2. Regular consumption of bhaang is not at all suggested, because, it can take away your personality. You may completly forget who you are. It puts forward a new word in front of you. You may become so indulged with this world, that you may forget who you really are.

3. It is not for people with weak mind, so if you cannot control it, please don't have it. I got to know many things from this experiment, but I will look forward to not eating bhaang, because it requires a much stronger mind than mine to remember everything that happened in there. Thats why I feel that people who meditate a lot can use this substance as a source to know the unknown.

4. All the senses of a person are elevated at this point. Generally, people tend to listen any sound with both the ears, but with bhaang, only that ear responds which is nearer to the sound source. This allows you to listen and interpret two sounds at the same time. similarly, your nose becomes active and also the eyes. But for the eyes there is too much of light, because the brain lies in complete darkness.

5. Lastly, I would like to tell you that if you ever have bhaang, lie down somewhere quiet and think about good things. You will get massive mysteries to be undiscovered.

-Bidhan Arya
