So, today I would like to write about something that people worry about a lot. I will talk about self esteem, self control and self motivation.

Everyone out there in this grand world is worried only about one thing. And that my friend, is not happiness. It is success.

Everyone wants to be successful. But, do we really understand the true meaning of this word - "Success".

I feel that success is one of those things that differ from person to person. Everyone has a different meaning of success. So, what do you think causes this difference in meanings? According to me there are two factors:

1. Experience:

People with different levels of experience and different types of experience give different meanings to success. A man who has seen poverty his entire life, defines wealth as success. A person who is suffering from a deadly disease defines success as health and a person who is differentialy abled just thinks that a person who has each part intact is successful. Anyways, so people only define success as something which they were not been able to achieve and overcome in their life. So people with different types of experiences end up in giving different definitions. Now, for amount of experience, you know that people of different ages tend to look up to a problem from very different aspects. For example, a young man would find it very easy to climb a hill, and it may not be a big deal for him. But when the same work is done by an old man, when an old man climbs a hill, it is hell of a success for him. So our age matters a lot in our definition of success.

2. Fear:

So, we come to know that everyone defines success differently, but all of them have one thing in common, and that is fear. You see, fear is a strong agent. It induces an energy which is dark, but very useful. A person who is able to avert his/her nightmare is said to be successful for himself. An orphan who had feared of living alone forever, when gets a family feels completely successful. A child who has slept with empty stomach, when eats everything he/she wants to, then they feel successful.

But, what really is success. For me "When a man conquers himself and knows his limits, accepts them, and then tries to push them, he emerges as someone with a lot of experience, self esteem and confidence, and such a man is said to be successful."

I belong to a small district in Bihar. Out here things are difficult. By difficult I mean difficult lifestyle, difficult thinking and the major dufficulty is resistivity to change (Just like Newton's first law of motion). People don't want to change their thinking, rather they wish to impose it on the next generation. And, this I think, is a major reason for drawback of the State of Bihar. I wouldn't want to give our talks a political view. So,the thought is all that matters.

Our society began with a very absurd and confusing system called 'Barter System'. It was in many ways revolutionary. It changed the thought of people that everyone should necesserily do agriculture. This system led them to discover their talent and help build a better society. But, we are humans. We always modify things to simplify our lives, but end up in distorting ourselves. So, the barter faced some problem of quantitative measurement. It means that there was no reference. What would a person get in return of a shoe? Can he get a gold necklace? Yes, I understand that it sounds funny. But that was the time when money did not exist.So, why are we talking about this? It is to be understood that it has always been this barter which we are doing. But I feel that people are going back again to the early man stage. They want to take away all the opportunities and lead their children to a well defined so called 'safe paths'. But that's not the complete truth, is it? Actually, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. And this fact is to be understood to lead a successful life. After doing eveything that society wants us to do, there is a part where you have some responsibility towards enhancing your talents, and that can only happen when you get out of your comfort zone.

One of the favourite dialouges of Indian Parents is "We just want to see you settled." How much is this sensible? Is doing a job from morning to evening and getting a good pay better than working for half the time for half the money? I don't understand, what does settlement mean to everyone? Is it about giving away your life to earn enough money for the next generation, or is it about living your life happily and give the children something more useful than money-'Experience'? Either way you are happy. Some people just like to earn money for others, that's really good, I know. But does that mean everyone should? No. Not at all. To be settled in life means to be happy. So I suggest you my friends, that if you can get your life, at the cost of earning less money, go for it. Because, in this senario, you will gain something more beautiful and soothing. You will get to know what life is and how beautifully you have lived it. But after all it only depends on you. On what gives you happiness. That's all that matters. Just remember one thing- There are many things in the world which are worth more than money, including yourself. So, never give away youself for a piece of paper.

This was a more of emotional entry and not much scientific.But there are sometimes when we need to see things from a different perspective.

So, best of luck for your life and your success!!!!!!

-Bidhan Arya
